What is Aerial Surveillance?
Aerial surveillance is the gathering of surveillance, intelligence and reconnaissance (ISR) data (usually visual imagery or video) from an airborne vehicle—such as a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), helicopter, or spy plane. Surveillance aircrafts use a range of sensors (e.g. radar) to monitor their intended location via live streaming video, audio and recorded secure data.
Digital imaging technology, miniaturized computers, and numerous other technological advances over the past decade have contributed to rapid advances in aerial surveillance hardware such as micro-aerial vehicles, forward-looking infrared, and high-resolution imagery capable of identifying objects at extremely long distances. For instance, the MQ-9 Reaper, a U.S. drone plane (UAV) used for domestic operations by the Department of Homeland Security, carries cameras that are capable of identifying an object the size of a milk carton from altitudes of 60,000 feet, and has forward-looking infrared devices that can detect the heat from a human body at distances of up to 60 kilometers; even facial features from as close as five kilometers.
Aerial Surveillance Systems, Inc. (ASSI) was created in 2008 and has rapidly become a leader in this highly specialized industry. ASSI offers a variety of services from acquisition to modification and integration. ASSI is a turn-key full-service provider with significant global contracts in place and is able to fully integrate and deliver an ISR Beechcraft 350 within 120 days.